Xenforo Adblock detector addons

Sameer Memon
Sameer Memon
4 Min Read
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We know adblockers are annoying and as a user, you don’t want to see some annoying ads all over your web page. But, have you ever thought about how some website that doesn’t sell any service manages their expenses? How do they afford hosting and domains? How do they earn? ADS!

Ads are the 1st primary revenue source for most personal bloggers out there. They are mostly depended on the ad revenue to manage their expenses.

Adblockers prevent the ads from showing up on the user’s browser, which results in a low impression of ads and thus results in lower-income.

Any forum owner with a tech niche would have definitely seen some deduction in their ads revenue due to the users using adblockers. This truly demotivates the blogger. You work for hours to write blogs and that doesn’t result as expected.

You cannot directly tell the users to disable their adblockers but can show some notice to users to request them to pause their adblockers.

Today we are sharing some addons that can help you show a notice to the users with adblockers on your site. Request them to turn off their adblockers or whitelist your forum.

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Some of the below addons will display a notification popup to turn off the adblockers, while some will completely restrict the user to use the forum until they pause the blockers.

While we suggest you avoid such addons that prevent users to use the forum since the users might feel annoying and may leave your forum and turn to your competitors.

On the other hand, if your forum is unique or it provides some valuable content to their user, the members will happily turn off their adblockers for you.

Use these add-ons to display a notice or popup for users to turn off their adblockers or white list your site.


AdBlock Detection [anti-AdBlock]

by – Wutime
AdBlock Detection [anti-AdBlock] v2.0.5

This should be your number one choice if you are looking for a way to show notice to the visitors with an adblocker without completely limiting the access to the forum.

This addon has both the option of whether to limit the access or not. You can simply show a notice to users to disable their adblockers. The users make a choice whether to cancel the popup and continue to the forum or they can also turn off their ad restrictions for your forum.

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Read: AdBlock Detection [anti-AdBlock] Review and Installation Process

You can get this addon from their official site for just 15$.

AdBlock Detection [anti-AdBlock]
Price: 15$
Fully mobile responsive
—-many more

Adblock message

by – Andy

Unlike the above addon, this one will completely restrict access to the forum if the user has an active adblocker.

The admin can select the options to restrict as per the user group. This could be useful if you are running some subscription forum. You can bypass the defined user group to not restrict them.

Any other user with an active adblocker will see the below notice restricting them completely.

Adblock message v1.0 by andy
Adblock message
Price: 35$

Note: We are not affiliated with any of the above-mentioned addons. All the details above are as per their official websites (as of 29/06/2022), any changes after mentioned date may or may not reflect on our website. We will keep updating the post as soon as it comes to our notice.

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Sameer Memon is a passionate writer with 3 years of experience in Blogging. With a strong background in Blogs, SEO, and Social Media Marketing, Sameer has been creating engaging content on various topics for a wide range of clients. As a dedicated and driven individual, Sameer takes pride in delivering well-researched and thoughtfully written articles that provide readers with valuable insights and information. He is constantly striving to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and techniques to produce content that is not only informative but also engaging and easy to read. When Sameer isn't busy writing, he enjoys gaming. He also loves to explore new places to gain fresh perspectives and inspiration for his writing. If you're interested in learning more about Sameer and his work, you can follow him on social media platform at give handles.